About A Dabbler

My name is Angela Dabkowski and this page is dedicated to displaying  the dabbling that I do in all sorts of Arts, but particularly drawing, painting,  and fabric arts/costume design.

30's dress shot
I am a role-playing geek and therefore a lot of my work is inspired by  characters in the Pathfinder, D&D, and Magestry Tabletop games that I play  as well as the LARPs that I participate in (and help to  run! www.Magestry.com). I love the creativity that is required for role-  playing, and am entranced by the stories that come out of this unique pastime.  I am very blessed to be able to give life to some of these creations and love  when my work meets the expectations of the original Creators. 
 While most of my work is fantasy-based, I also do realistic portraiture (both  humans and pets), have done some tattoo design, mask work, and  costume/fashion design and creation. I am also not afraid to try something out  of my comfort zone (I enjoy pushing my own boundaries), so please do not think that I am limited to what is presented on this site. All of my work is custom-made and tailored to the customer’s specifications. 
If you are interested in a commissioned piece, you can contact me at [email protected]
Thanks for visiting! Enjoy!
P.S. The pictures I am using for my backgrounds are taken from a movie that is an inspiration to me: The Secret of Kells. I do not own the images, but I am so very grateful that the movie exists and I am happy to be able to pay homage to it here.

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